29. Chen,Z., Gong, Y. , Xie, J.(通讯). (in press). From phubee to phubber: The transmission of phone snubbing behavior between marital partners. Information Technology & People. (ABS 3星)
28.Li, J., Gong, Y. , Xie, J.(通讯) , Tang, X. Relationship between users’ perception of coolness and intention to use digital products: A user-centered approach. Information Technology & People. (ABS 3星)
27. Xie, J., Zhou, D., Tan, Y. (2021). Relationship between mindfulness and general health among couples in Mainland China: A crossover perspective.Social Science & Medicine, 281, 114095.(ABS 4星)
26.Gong, Y. , Li, J. , Xie, J.(通讯), Zhang, L. , & Lou, Q. (in press). Will"Green"Parents Have"Green"Children? The Relationship Between Parents'and Early Adolescents’Green Consumption Values.Journal of Business Ethics (FT50).
25.Gong, Y., Tang, X., Xie, J.(通讯), & Zhang, L. (in press). Exploring the nexus between work-to-family conflict, material rewards parenting and adolescent materialism: Evidence from Chinese dual-career families.Journal of Business Ethics (FT50).
24. Soohyun, L., Zhou, Z., Xie, J.(通讯), Gou, H. (in press). Work-related Use of Information and Communication Technologies After Hours and Employee Fatigue: The Exacerbating Effect of Affective Commitment. Journal of Managerial Psychology. (ABS 3星)
23. Shi, Y., Xie, J. (共一), Zhou, Z., Tang, H., Ma, H. (in press). Family supportive supervisor behaviors and work engagement: A social information processing perspective. Current Psychology. (SSCI)
22. Shi, Y., Zhang, H., Xie, J. (通讯), Ma, H. (in press). Work-related use of information and communication technologies after hours and focus on opportunities: The moderating role of work-family centrality. Current Psychology. (SSCI)
21.谢菊兰(通讯),徐俊鹏,陈卓. (2021).信息通信技术要求的多重作用机制.管理现代化, (01), 73-76.
20.颜爱民,郭好,谢菊兰(通讯), 郝迎春,马浩. (2020).伦理型领导何以促进员工主动变革行为:建设性责任知觉与职业召唤的作用.中国人力资源开发, (11),50-61.
19.戴国斌,林荷,谢菊兰(通讯). (2020). 挑战性-阻碍性工作压力对失眠的影响:积极-消极工作反刍的中介作用. 中国临床心理学杂志, (5), 981-985.
18.龚艳萍,谭宇轩,谢菊兰(通讯), 李见,陈卓.(2020).正念对饮食行为的影响及作用机理. 应用心理学(02), 158-169+192.
17. Gong, Y., Li, J., Xie, J. (通讯), Tang, X. (2020). Relationship between types of food choice motives and well-being among young and middle-aged Chinese adults. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 44(4), 369-378. (SSCI)
16. Shi, Y., Xie, J. (通讯), Zhou, Z., Tang, H., Ma, H., Zhang, H., & Zhou, N. (2020). Family-supportive supervisor behaviors and employees’ life satisfaction: The roles of work-self facilitation and generational differences. International Journal of Stress Management, 27(3), 262-272. (SSCI)
15. Xie, X.,& Xie, J.(通讯). (2020).Parental phubbing accelerates depression in late childhood and adolescence:A two-path model. Journal of Adolescence, 78, 43-52.
14. Xu, H., Gong, Y., Zhang, Q., & Xie J. (2020). Relationship between social media activities and thinking styles. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 38(2),195-208. (SSCI)
13. 颜爱民, 李亚丽, 谢菊兰(通讯),李莹. (2020).员工对企业社会责任的差异化反应:基于归因理论的阐释. 心理科学进展, 28(6), 1004-1014. (CSSCI)
12. 颜爱民,孙益延,谢菊兰(通讯),郭好. (2020).企业社会责任与组织公平感的关系研究述评. 管理学报, 17 (4), 623-633. (CSSCI)
11. 谢菊兰(通讯), 刘小妹, 李见, 陈春燕, 龚艳萍. (2020).社交电商中的社交-消费转换机制.心理科学进展, 28(3), 405-415. (CSSCI)
10. 李见, 龚艳萍, 谢菊兰(通讯),陈卓. (2020).“哇!这真酷”:消费者酷感知研究综述及展望. 外国经济与管理,42(1),42-54. (CSSCI)
9. 颜爱民, 龚紫, 谢菊兰(通讯). (2020).外部企业社会责任对员工创新行为的影响机制研究.伟德国际1949手机版学报(社会科学版), 26(01),107-116. (CSSCI)
8. 龚艳萍, 陈卓, 谢菊兰(通讯), 谢笑春. (2019). 手机冷落行为的前因、后果与作用机制. 心理科学进展,27(7),1258-1267. (CSSCI)
7. 颜爱民,郭好,谢菊兰(通讯). (2019). 新时代下中国情境人力资源管理的创新与发展——第7届中国人力资源管理论坛暨国际研讨会述评. 管理学报, 16(6), 821-831.(CSSCI)
6. Xie, J., Ma, H., Zhou, Z., & Tang, H. (2018). Work-related use of information and communication technologies after hours (W_ICTs) and emotional exhaustion: A mediated moderation model. Computers in Human Behavior, 79,94-104 . (SSCI, IF = 3.44, ABS三星).
5. Xie, J., Zhou, Z., & Gong, Y. (2018). Relationship between proactive personality and marital satisfaction: A spillover-crossover perspective. Personality and Individual Differences, 128, 75-80. (SSCI, IF = 2.01, ABS三星).
4. Xie, J., Shi, Y., & Ma, H. (2017). Relationship between similarity in work-family centrality and marital satisfaction among dual-earner couples. Personality and Individual Differences, 113, 103-108. (SSCI, IF = 2.01, ABS三星).
3. 谢菊兰, 马红宇, 唐汉瑛, 姜海. (2017). 家庭支持型主管行为与双职工夫妻的婚姻满意感:一个积极溢出−交叉模型. 心理学报, 49(3), 359–369. (CSSCI权威)
2. Xie, X., Zhao, F., Xie, J., & Lei, L. (2016). Symbolization of mobile phone and life satisfaction among adolescents in rural areas of China: Mediating of school-related relationships. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 694-702. (SSCI, IF = 3.44, ABS三星)
1. 马红宇, 谢菊兰(通讯), 唐汉瑛, 申传刚, 张晓翔. (2016). 工作性通信工具使用与双职工夫妻的幸福感:基于溢出-交叉效应的分析.心理学报, 48(1), 48–58. (CSSCI权威)