讲座题目:Two-Sided Platform Competition in the Presence of Tip Baiting
主 讲 人:加拿大西安大略大学 Hubert PUN 教授
讲座地点:伟德国际1949官网江湾楼 336 晨星厅
主 持 人:伟德国际1949官网 周雄伟 教授
Dr. Hubert Pun is the J. Allyn Taylor/Arthur H. Mingay Chair and the PhD Program Director. He completed his PhD at the Kelley School of Business (Indiana University) in 2010. He joined the Ivey Business School in 2010. He was awarded with Ivey Dean’s Teaching Commendation Letters (top 10% Ivey faculty). He also won the Research Merit Award (top 10% Ivey faculty) in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. Currently, he is serving as a Senior Editor at Production and Operations Management (POM) and an Associate Editor at the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR). His case, "General Motors: Supplier Selection for Innovation," is the runner-up top seller of the year (2022-2023) at Ivey Publishing. His another case, "Royal Bank of Canada: Bitcoin Mining and Climate Change?" recently received an award from the 2023 EFMD Case Writing Competition.