Track |
Session |
Speech |
Time |
Track 1 杰出学者论坛
会议号: 409 848 636 |
Session 1 主持人: 刘斌 教授 上海理工大学 |
数据驱动的机器人物流理论与实践 (余玉刚 中国科学技术大学) |
2022年 12月10日 13:30-15:00 |
Taylor Approximation of Inventory Policies for One-Warehouse, Multi-Retailer Systems with Demand Feature Information (杨翼 浙江大学) |
Session 2 主持人: 高杰 教授 西安交通大学 |
Online Advertisement Allocation Under Customer Choices and Algorithmic Fairness (荣鹰 上海交通大学) |
2022年 12月10日 15:20-16:50 |
Assortment and Pricing Management with Customer’s Product Unawareness (薛巍立 东南大学) |
Session 3 主持人: 周伟华 教授 浙江大学 |
Inventory Models with Large Lead Times (陈新 Georgia Institute of Technology) |
2022年 12月11日 8:30-9:30 |
Session 4 主持人: 杨磊 教授 华南理工大学 |
Behavioral Operations Management: Description, Discovery, and Prediction (崔海涛 University of Minnesota) |
2022年 12月11日 9:40-10:40 |
Session 5 主持人: 李建斌 教授 华中科技大学 |
Pooling in the Era of Sharing Economy (胡明 University of Toronto) |
2022年 12月11日 10:50-11:50 |
Track 2 Platform Economy and Emerging topics Track Chair: 周伟华 教授 浙江大学
会议号 725 372 558 |
Session 1 Platform Economy I Session Chair: 刘霖 教授 北京航空航天大学 |
Green Supply Chain with Strategic Retailers: Transportation-based Carbon Penalty (申通远 北京航空航天大学) |
2022年 12月10日 13:30-15:00 |
中国电商平台多业态经营模式分析——基于产品和服务双重差异化视角 (王宇 南京大学) |
Biased Recommendation with Superior Knowledge and Implications of Data Compliance (徐子彬 香港城市大学) |
The digital-enabled sharing economy: the role of matching technology (周迪 同济大学) |
Session 2 Platform Economy II Session Chair: 戴宾 教授 武汉大学 |
When Is It Wise to Use Blockchain for Platform Operations with Remanufacturing? (徐小平 安徽大学) |
2022年 12月10日 15:20-16:50 |
Competitive Platforms’ Service Sharing and Manufacturer’s Platform Strategy: common platform Vs. Multiple platform (甄学平 上海海事大学) |
Why Branded Firms May Benefit from Counterfeit Competition (柯剑男 武汉大学) |
Platform’s information sharing strategy in a supplier encroachment context with scale economies (侯棚文 天津财经大学) |
Session 3 Emerging topics in operations management Session Chair: Rachel Chen 教授 University of California at Davis |
Selling bonus actions in video games: When to shut down the spot market? (Xuying Zhao University of Notre Dame) |
2022年 12月11日 8:30-10:00 |
Predictive 3D Printing with IoT (Yue Zhang Penn State University) |
No Panic in Pandemic: The Impact of Individual Choice on Public Health Policy and Vaccine Priority (Guangwen Kong Temple University) |
Selling Professional Products with Expertise Migration Uncertainty (Rachel Chen University of California at Davis) |
Session 4 Platform Economy III Session Chair: 田林 教授 复旦大学 |
Competitive Manufacturers’ Product-Sharing Strategies: P2P Sharing or B2C Sharing? (张玉 河北师范大学) |
2022年 12月11日 10:20-11:50 |
The Impact of Ride-sharing Transportation on Patient No-Show Rates: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment (肖诗虹 复旦大学) |
Is CSR Engagement Rewarded Equally Across Supply Chain Positions? Evidence from COVID-19 (李果 北京理工大学) |
First-Party Content Production in a Competitive Media Market (田林 复旦大学) |
Track 3 Mechanism Design and Strategies in Supply Chain Track Chair: 李建斌 教授 华中科技大学
会议号 577 190 081 |
Session 1 Mechanism Design in Supply Chain Session Chair: 何波 教授 重庆大学 |
基于电池租赁和换电服务的汽车供应链运营模式研究 (袁开福 贵州财经大学) |
2022年 12月10日 13:30-15:00 |
基于客户偏好的换电服务提供商合同设计 (鲁芳 湘潭大学伟德国际1949官网) |
Impact of Online Reviews on E-commerce Supply Chain when the Platform Sells Competing Store Brand (卿前恺 华南师范大学) |
Modeling Network Equilibrium of Competitive Ride-Sourcing Market with Heterogeneous Transportation Network Companies (Linglin Ni 北京物资学院) |
Session 2 Closed-loop Supply Chain Session Chair: 杨锋 教授 中国科学技术大学 |
Combating excessive overtime in global supply chains (焦传亚 中国科学技术大学) |
2022年 12月10日 15:20-16:50 |
Implications of Coproduction Technology on Waste Management: Who Can Benefit from The Coproduct Made of Leftover Materials? (金旻月 重庆大学) |
Plastic Tax Reform: Tax Manufacturers or Tax Consumers? (单菲菲 中国科学技术大学) |
Blockchain adoption for combating remanufacturing risks (王漫漫 中国科学技术大学) |
Session 3 Operations Management Strategy Session Chair: 郑宇婷 副教授 福州大学 |
Optimal pricing strategy of an on-demand platform with cross-regional passengers (罗晓萌 西南财经大学) |
2022年 12月11日 8:30-10:00 |
Fixed Allocation of Capacity for Multiple Retailers under Demand Competition (蔡学媛 武汉纺织大学) |
The construction efficiency study of China National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone with network SBM model: A city-based analysis (郑宇婷 福州大学) |
Improving the performance of a supply chain with a loss-averse retailer in the presence of strategic customers (侯西洋 长沙理工大学) |
Session 4 Information Strategy in Supply Chain Management Session Chair: 卞亦文 教授 上海大学 |
Mitigating supply risk with limited information: Emergency supply and responsive pricing (钟远光 华南理工大学工商管理学院) |
2022年 12月11日 10:20-11:50 |
Search prominence in a distribution channel (袁茂 武汉大学) |
Information Disclosure with Endogenous Channel Structure (关旭 华中科技大学) |
Surge Pricing for Ride-Hailing Platforms with Heterogeneous Waiting-Time Sensitive Riders (汪辉辉 上海大学) |
Track 4 Supply Chain Finance and Risk Track Chair: 赵文辉 教授 上海交通大学
会议号 742 751 245 |
Session 1 Sustainable Operations and Financing in Supply Chain Session Chair: 冯立攀 副教授/林智平 副教授 (校聘) 华南理工大学/南昌大学 |
Curtailing Bank Loan and Loan Insurance Under Risk Regulations in Supply Chain Finance (Wenli Wang 太原科技大学) |
2022年 12月10日 13:30-15:00 |
Reselling or Agency Selling: The Impacts of Trade-in Programs in an E-commerce Supply Chain (冯立攀 华南理工大学) |
Financing a Quality-Uncertain Supplier under Procurement Decentralization (林智平 南昌大学) |
Optimal Trade‐in Return Policies: Is it Wise to be Generous? (曹开颖 海南大学) |
Session 2 Supply Chain Coordination and Resilience Session Chair: 王子昂 助理教授 香港理工大学 |
Labor Coordination and Division: Human Capital Investment in Supply Chains (Wang Ziang 香港理工大学) |
2022年 12月10日 15:20-16:50 |
Global Supply Chains and Cross-Border Financing (Peng Jie 香港中文大学) |
Keeping Your Friends Closer: Friend-shoring in Response to Regional Value Content Requirements (Li Zhi香港中文大学) |
Supply Chain Resilience to COVID-19 Lockdowns (Yimeng Niu 上海交通大学) |
Session 3 Uncertainty in Supply Chain Management Session Chair: 关旭 教授 华中科技大学 |
Demand Uncertainty with Supplier Encroachment (刘保山 中国地质大学(武汉)) |
2022年 12月11日 8:30-10:00 |
Managing Vaccination for Infectious Diseases: The Role of Bounded Rationality (殷哲 中国科学技术大学) |
Privatization reform in public healthcare system: Competition vs. Collaboration (关旭 华中科技大学) |
A strategic analysis of business model in the platform market with production costs (唐尧 中南财经政法大学) |
Session 4 Supply Chain Risk Session Chair: Yanzhi LI 教授 City University of Hong Kong |
On a Mallows-type Model for (Ranked) Choices (Yifan Feng 新加坡国立大学) |
2022年 12月11日 10:20-11:50 |
Mitigating Supply Risk with Limited Information: Emergency Supply and Responsive Pricing (Zhi Chen 香港城市大学) |
Robust Sourcing under Multi-level Supply Risks: Analysis of Random Yield and Capacity (Kai Pan 香港理工大学) |
Anticipatory Packing (Yanzhi Li 香港城市大学) |
Track 5 Digital Supply Chain and Inventory Management Track Chair: 肖勇波 教授 清华大学
会议号 840 923 495 |
Session 1 Digital Supply Chain I Session Chair: 李果 教授/郑鸿 北京理工大学 |
The Optimal Content Provision Strategy for a Streaming Platform: Pure Agency, Self-production or Collaboration (姬翔 中国科学技术大学管理学院) |
2022年 12月10日 13:30-15:00 |
Anti-Counterfeiting in A Retail Platform: A Game-Theoretic Approach (周宇 重庆大学) |
Cloud-edge-device Collaboration Mechanisms of Cloud Manufacturing for Customized and Personalized Products (兰舒琳 中国科学院大学) |
基于共享与预约视角的停车位管理机制设计 (徐素秀 北京理工大学) |
Session 2 Digital Supply Chain II Session Chair: 冉伦 教授 北京理工大学 |
数智驱动的一体化供应链探索和实践 (庄晓天 京东物流) |
2022年 12月10日 15:20-16:50 |
制造企业小批量多品种下的供应链数字化高效协同应用分享 (张念梅 长城信息股份有限公司) |
Revenue Sharing Contracts and Coordination in Digital Mobile Service Supply Chain (马潇宇 北京外国语大学) |
Two-stage stochastic programming and algorithms for the logistics network post-disruption response (张玉利 北京理工大学) |
Session 3 Inventory Management I Session Chair: Zhengyuan Zhou 助理教授 New York University |
A Unified Analysis of the Sample Complexity Bounds for Sampling-based Multistage Stochastic Inventory Control (Hanzhang Qin MIT) |
2022年 12月11日 8:30-10:00 |
Sample Complexity of Policy Learning for Inventory Control with Censored Demand (Xiaoyu Fan New York University) |
Adaptive Learning in Multi-Product Joint Pricing and Inventory Control (Jingyuan Wang Georgia Tech) |
Optimal No-regret Learning in Repeated First-price Auctions (Zhengyuan Zhou New York University) |
Session 4 Inventory Management II Session Chair: 彭一杰 副教授 北京大学 |
Joint Replenishment for Large-scale Multi-echelon Distribution Inventory Systems (罗俊 上海交通大学) |
2022年 12月11日 10:20-11:50 |
Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Echelon Inventory Management: Reducing Costs and Alleviating (彭一杰 北京大学) |
Data-Driven Shelf-Stock Allocation (王曙明 中国科学院大学) |
复杂库存网络的安全库存管理 (杨超林 上海财经大学) |
Track 6 Supply Chain Optimization Track Chair: 刘斌 教授 上海理工大学
会议号 587 892 446 |
Session 1 Supply Chain Optimization I Session Chair: 邓天虎 副教授 清华大学工业工程系 |
On Fairness and Efficiency in Nonprofit Operations: Dynamic Resource Allocations (王彤 上海交通大学) |
2022年 12月10日 13:30-15:00 |
Inventory Routing Problem under Uncertainty (张莲民 深圳市大数据研究院) |
Optimal Sequencing in Single-Player Games (李宜福 中国科学技术大学) |
Online facility location (祁炜 清华大学) |
Session 2 Supply Chain Optimization II Session Chair: Zhenzhen Yan 助理教授 南洋理工大学 |
Return or Not? Joint Pricing and Refund Optimization for Omni-channel Retailing (Yimeng Sun南洋理工大学) |
2022年 12月10日 15:20-16:50 |
Shall I Only Store Popular Products? Warehouse Assortment Selection for E-Companies (Hongyuan Lin 新加坡国立大学) |
Data-Driven Feature-Based Newsvendor: A Distributionally Robust Approach (Mingyang Fu新加坡国立大学) |
Flash Sales versus Traditional sales: Price Optimization for an Online Retailer with Pre-planned Logistics (Ruijie Zhang新加坡管理大学) |
Session 3 Supply Chain Optimization III Session Chair: Sheng Liu 助理教授 University of Toronto |
Strategic Inventories in Competitive Supply Chains under Bargaining (Qinshen Tang 南洋理工大学) |
2022年 12月11日 8:30-10:00 |
Optimization of mobile robots warehouse fulfilment systems (Yun Zhou McMaster University) |
Distributionally Robust Multilocation Newsvendor at Scale: A Scenario-Based Linear Programming Approach (Sheng Liu University of Toronto) |
Session 4 Supply Chain Optimization IV Session Chair: 谢磊 教授 上海财经大学 |
Improving Health Outcomes with Less Cost? Provision of Mobile Clinic in Developing Economies (刘方 中国科学院大学) |
2022年 12月11日 10:20-11:50 |
Who Are the Favorites of Multi-Channel Networks? Influencer Selection for Sales Events (解扬洋 中国科学技术大学) |
The Value of the Physical Internet on the Meals-On-Wheels Delivery System (Meiyan LIN 深圳大学) |
Managing Suppliers’ Quality Risk in a Decentralized Supply Chain: Contractual Incentives and Product Recall Insurance (陈静 东南大学) |
Track 7 Service and Operation Management Track Chair: 陈祥锋 教授 复旦大学
会议号 428 811 751 |
Session 1 Turoial Session Chair: 吴靖 副教授 香港中文大学 |
Managing Supply Chains in the Post-pandemic New Normal (吴靖 香港中文大学) |
2022年 12月10日 13:30-15:00 |
Session 2 Service and Operation Management I Session Chair: 周声海 副教授 伟德国际1949手机版 |
Channel strategies for competing retailers: Whether and when to introduce live stream (黄凌晨 上海海事大学 ) |
2022年 12月10日 15:20-16:50 |
Behavior-Based Pricing in Congestion-Prone Systems (欧阳颖 南开大学) |
Distributionally Robust Dynamic Resource Provisioning under Service Level Agreement (唐润宇 西安交通大学) |
Influence of Customers’ Waiting Preference and No-Show Behavior on Appointment Systems (张瑞洁 新加坡管理大学) |
Session 3 Service and Operation Management II Session Chair: 李金霖 副教授 伟德国际1949手机版 |
Multi-period fourth-party logistics network design with boundedly rational customers under stochastic demand (张宇鑫 Northeastern University) |
2022年 12月11日 8:30-10:00 |
Protecting labor rights Contract design and coordination between brand firms and suppliers (赖红珍 伟德国际1949手机版) |
A co-opetitive newsvendor model with a wholesale price contract (董斌伟 天津理工大学) |
Supply Chain Short-Term Financing for Responsible Production at Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Xiaole Chen 中山大学) |
Session 4 Service and Operation Management III Session Chair: 米允龙 讲师 伟德国际1949手机版 |
Data-Driven Agricultural Network Optimization: A Predictive, Prescriptive, Dynamic Programming Approach (邱韫哲 北京大学) |
2022年 12月11日 10:20-11:50 |
Managing The Personalized Order-Holding Problem in Online Retailing (陈寿长 浙江大学) |
Feature-Based Inventory Control with Censored Demand (丁婧颖 上海交通大学) |
Seller-orchestrated inventory financing under bank capital regulation (张宇轩 对外经济贸易大学) |