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发布时间:2019-11-26 浏览次数:

报告人法国巴黎东大电机电子工程师学院 储诚斌教授

题 目Shared mobility in urban environments

报告时间2019年12月2日 (周一) 上午10:00



储诚斌教授,法国巴黎东大(Université Paris-Est)ESIEE Paris系统工程系教授,教育部“创新团队”负责人。目前担任IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering副编,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics副编,Computers & Industrial Engineering编委。其研究领域集中在生产和物流系统的优化,研究方向包括供应链管理、生产计划与调度、可靠性分析与配置、交通运输、下料等。储教授主持了国家自然科学基金、法国核能署、法国中央政府及欧盟ESPRIT项目等18项课题,已发表专著3部,并在Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Naval Research Logistics, IIE Transactions等国际期刊上发表论文超过180篇,谷歌学术总引用量超过8000次。由于储诚斌教授的突出贡献,他早在1996年就获得了法国运筹学领域的最高奖项Robert Faure一等奖。


Shared mobility is becoming more and more relevant to tackle congestion, air pollution and climate change. In this talk, we consider shared mobility in urban environments. In particular, we consider ride sharing models from a government agency perspective with two kinds of vehicles: classic vehicles and autonomous vehicles. The model with classic vehicles is studied in order to arrange shared trips as a complement to public transport for city dwellers in their daily short-distance trips. Such a model needs addressing two fundamental issues: matching drivers and riders in order to maximize the total travel distance saving and distributing the benefits generated due to the shared trips among participants so that their individual interests are not hurt. We propose an approach to generated such a solution. In the model with autonomous vehicles, we investigate the impact of different ownerships (individually owned vehicles and on-demand vehicles) on urban traffic and use the data from New York city to develop a case study.