讲座题目:50 Years in Academia: Achievements, Lessons Learned, and Advice
主 讲 人:加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 Izak Benbasat 教授 (加拿大皇家学会院士)
ZOOM会议号:952 0621 1615
主 持 人:伟德国际1949官网 刘咏梅 教授
Izak Benbasat教授是加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学尚德伟德国际1949官网教授、加拿大勋章(加拿大最高平民荣誉勋章)获得者、加拿大皇家学会(社会科学院)院士、土耳其科学院(Bilim Akademisi)成员。研究领域为人机交互、管理支持系统和社会网络。他被公认为是全球管理信息系统(MIS)领域最具影响力的学者之一,并在著名的h-index排名中位居世界第三。曾获 UBC Killam 教学奖、UBC Killam 研究奖,并两次获得 UBC Sauder 的高级研究优秀奖。曾任 CANFOR 信息系统教授、加拿大信息技术管理研究主席。他是Association for Information Systems (AIS)会员,曾获AIS颁发的信息系统终身卓越成就LEO奖、以及INFORMS信息系统学会杰出研究员奖。曾任Information Systems Research主编、Information Systems & Decision Support Systems Department of Management Science编辑以及MIS Quarterly高级编辑。
The talk will be about Professor Izak Benbasat’s personal journey in academia. He will describe the research work conducted over a 50-year span, the contributions of his many doctoral students to these research projects, and the academic and service (journal) responsibilities he has had. Professor Benbasat will conclude his talk with the lessons he has learned over this long academic journey. Based on the lessons learned, he will also offer some advice to the young scholars in the audience about what he believes leads to success in academia. After the formal presentation, up to 30 minutes will be allocated to answering questions from the audience.